Savings Analysis
We will review your merchant processing statement closely to find hidden fees and optimize your savings. With a comprehensive side by side savings analysis you will know exactly what you would be saving with Eternity Payments. Our Cost Savings Guarantee reassures our merchants that they will always receive the most competitive rate in the industry now and for as long as they are a partner of Eternity Payments.
Cost Savings
Eternity Payments offers processing services that are competitively priced and designed to meet the unique requirements of a growing business. Eternity Payments wants to help you secure a competitive processing rate with unparalleled service. Let Eternity Payments help your business run smoothly with a partner that can support you now and as you grow in the future.
Our customers love their side-by-side savings comparison. By submitting your processing statement you will receive a savings analysis guaranteed to beat your current rates and fees. Most of our business owners save thousands of dollars in minutes.
Side by Side Savings Analysis
Get Your Free Merchant Consultation
No Obligation Savings Analysis
Your Business Consultation Includes:
Side by side savings analysis
Break down of rates and fees
Interchange analysis
Understanding your statement
PCI Compliance
PA-DSS validation
Payments best practices
How to prevent fraud
Cost Savings Guarantee
There are so many different fees that are placed on customer’s statement. It can be hard to tell which fees are real and what fees are made up. membership fees, access fees and compliance fees are just a few examples of the many junk fees. We help you identify these fees and eliminate any Junk Fees. There are many of them, so beware of:
Administrative fees
MID Qualified
NON Qualified
Data Breach
Monthly vs Daily
Membership fees
Non Compliance
Annual Fees